Monday, October 8, 2007

Interesting Article

Another old article, but some might have missed it before due to bizjournals subscription requirements.

Reolysin only the first virus to undergo clinical trial at Institute for Drug Development
San Antonio Business Journal - by Sandra Lowe Sanchez
Friday, September 21, 2007

Twice so far, Kenneth Scott has had something most people try to avoid injected into his veins -- a virus.

But while the virus gives Scott a headache, a stomach ache, fever and chills for a few days, it offers him some hope that it will stabilize or shrink the tumors in his lung.

"I think the possibility of this drug is really amazing," says Scott, a 51-year-old Big Springs resident. "We were pretty excited about it. Our faith is in God. We really believe what happens is going to be for the best."

The viral agent, a reovirus formulated by Calgary, Alberta-based Oncolytics Biotech Inc., is the first virus to undergo a clinical trial at the Cancer Therapy and Research Center's Institute for Drug Development. And for its director, Dr. Frank Giles, it too offers excitement. It puts the research facility on the road to testing a new wave of potential treatments in the field of oncology -- viruses

Find more information about the Institute for Drug Development here.

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